SpaceMotion SMM 01 Radar Sensor Series

Jun 01, 2020


The SpaceMotion SMM 01 series is a compact Doppler radar sensor that detects motion in the detection area using the latest in microwave technology and a powerful microprocessor. The compact design allows it to be installed in space limited locations, where ‘traditional’ motion sensors cannot be installed. The microwave technology allows the sensor to be mounted behind plastic constructions for out-of-sight and concealed installations. The SMM 01 was originally designed for escalator and moving walk auto-start applications (for energy saving mode). However, the sensor line has since been successfully used in many other sensing applications.

The Doppler radar sensor detects objects that are in motion towards or away from the sensor, with a maximum sensing range of 3 metres. People passing the sensor perpendicular (i.e. with no intention of entering an escalator) will have no or very low speed relative to the sensor – such motion can remain undetected. The detection field is divided into two parts; ‘low-speed zone’ and ‘highspeed zone’. The part of the field closest to the sensor is the low-speed zone where low speed motion is detected. This is intended to detect people in a multi-storey building that are moving from one escalator to the next, making a semi-circular movement/turn i.e. perpendicular to the sensor and with a relatively low speed. The extension of the low speed zone relative to the high speed zone can be adjusted from 0 – 100% of the total range. The total range is also adjustable. The sensor also includes a background suppression feature which allows the sensor to ignore all constant movements of minor objects (either directly or indirectly detected through reflections) e.g. handrails of an escalator or a moving walk.

All potentiometers and DIP switches are directly accessible on the front of the sensor, by removing the front cover lid of the unit. The series offers both a High (H) and Low (L) frequency type, which is designed to avoid risk of interference between two SMM 01 units that shall detect the same objects.

The range is available with a 10-30 V dc or 24 V ac/dc supply voltage, both with a solid-state relay output. The complete series offers a 5 m fixed cable or 60 cm pigtail with a 4-pin, M12 moulded plug connection for quick-disconnect assembly. The sensor includes LEDs for power and output indication, which are visible through the tinted front lid of the housing. The compact IP67 plastic housing is designed to allow a recessed screw mounting in the back of the unit.

Summary of Features

  • K-Band motion and direction detection
  • Max sensing range: 3 metres
  • Adjustable sensing field range
  • Adjustable slow speed zone
  • Selectable background suppression
  • Selectable direction sensitive detection
  • Adjustable off time delay
  • 10-30 V dc or 24 V ac/dc supply voltage
  • Power and output indicators
  • Solid state relay output
  • Output monitor function (Sniffer)
  • Compact IP67 housing design
  • Especially designed for escalator and moving-walk applications

Contact a Telco specialist for enquiries for the SpaceMotion SMM 01 series

Click on the link below to download the SMM 01 series data sheet.

{"id":6,"user_id":1,"categories_id":4,"title":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Radar Sensor Series","slug":"spacemotion-smm01-motion-radar-sensor","parent":"news","excerpt":"The SpaceMotion SMM 01 sensor series is a compact motion radar sensor designed for auto start detection of escalators and moving walks","content":"<p>The SpaceMotion SMM 01 series is a compact Doppler radar sensor that detects motion in the detection area using the latest in microwave technology and a powerful microprocessor. The compact design allows it to be installed in space limited locations, where \u2018traditional\u2019 motion sensors cannot be installed. The microwave technology allows the sensor to be mounted behind plastic constructions for out-of-sight and concealed installations. The SMM 01 was originally designed for escalator and moving walk auto-start applications (for energy saving mode). However, the sensor line has since been successfully used in many other sensing applications.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>The Doppler radar sensor detects objects that are in motion towards or away from the sensor, with a maximum sensing range of 3 metres. People passing the sensor perpendicular (i.e. with no intention of entering an escalator) will have no or very low speed relative to the sensor \u2013 such motion can remain undetected. The detection field is divided into two parts; \u2018low-speed zone\u2019 and \u2018highspeed zone\u2019. The part of the field closest to the sensor is the low-speed zone where low speed motion is detected. This is intended to detect people in a multi-storey building that are moving from one escalator to the next, making a semi-circular movement\/turn i.e. perpendicular to the sensor and with a relatively low speed. The extension of the low speed zone relative to the high speed zone can be adjusted from 0 \u2013 100% of the total range. The total range is also adjustable. The sensor also includes a background suppression feature which allows the sensor to ignore all constant movements of minor objects (either directly or indirectly detected through reflections) e.g. handrails of an escalator or a moving walk.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>All potentiometers and DIP switches are directly accessible on the front of the sensor, by removing the front cover lid of the unit. The series offers both a High (H) and Low (L) frequency type, which is designed to avoid risk of interference between two SMM 01 units that shall detect the same objects.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>The range is available with a 10-30 V dc or 24 V ac\/dc supply voltage, both with a solid-state relay output. The complete series offers a 5 m fixed cable or 60 cm pigtail with a 4-pin, M12 moulded plug connection for quick-disconnect assembly. The sensor includes LEDs for power and output indication, which are visible through the tinted front lid of the housing. The compact IP67 plastic housing is designed to allow a recessed screw mounting in the back of the unit.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><img src=\"\/storage\/app\/media\/uploaded-files\/01-smm01-escalator.png\" style=\"width: 400px;\" class=\"fr-fic fr-dii fr-fil\" data-result=\"success\"><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>Summary of Features<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>K-Band motion and direction detection<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Max sensing range: 3 metres<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Adjustable sensing field range<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Adjustable slow speed zone<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Selectable background suppression<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Selectable direction sensitive detection<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Adjustable off time delay<\/li>\r\n\t<li>10-30 V dc or 24 V ac\/dc supply voltage<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Power and output indicators<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Solid state relay output<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Output monitor function (Sniffer)<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Compact IP67 housing design<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Especially designed for escalator and moving-walk applications<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\t<br>Contact a Telco specialist for enquiries for the SpaceMotion SMM 01 series\r\n\t<br>Email: <a href=\"\"><\/a>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>Click on the link below to download the SMM 01 series data sheet.<\/p>","published_at":"2020-06-01 00:15:00","published":1,"meta_title":"","meta_description":"","meta_keywords":"","created_at":"2016-05-06 05:24:45","updated_at":"2021-02-08 18:48:07","content_markdown":null,"impressions":null,"featured_images":[{"id":10879,"disk_name":"5efb549ab6d9a659383898.jpg","file_name":"smm01-series-news-2.jpg","file_size":43770,"content_type":"image\/jpeg","title":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Radar Sensor Series","description":"","field":"featured_images","sort_order":10879,"created_at":"2020-06-30 15:04:58","updated_at":"2020-10-19 14:32:54","path":"https:\/\/\/storage\/app\/uploads\/public\/5ef\/b54\/9ab\/5efb549ab6d9a659383898.jpg","extension":"jpg"}],"media":[{"id":1473,"name":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Data Sheet EN","locale":"en","part":"W-2022.10-V02-EN_EU","version":"4.0","media_category_id":1,"active":1,"created_at":"2019-09-30 16:48:16","updated_at":"2023-05-18 14:28:45","pivot":{"news_id":6,"media_id":1473}},{"id":2007,"name":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Data Sheet DE","locale":"de","part":"W-2023.03-V02-DE","version":"4.0","media_category_id":1,"active":1,"created_at":"2023-07-28 11:07:32","updated_at":"2023-07-28 11:07:32","pivot":{"news_id":6,"media_id":2007}}]}
{"id":6,"user_id":1,"categories_id":4,"title":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Radar Sensor Series","slug":"spacemotion-smm01-motion-radar-sensor","parent":"news","excerpt":"The SpaceMotion SMM 01 sensor series is a compact motion radar sensor designed for auto start detection of escalators and moving walks","content":"<p>The SpaceMotion SMM 01 series is a compact Doppler radar sensor that detects motion in the detection area using the latest in microwave technology and a powerful microprocessor. The compact design allows it to be installed in space limited locations, where \u2018traditional\u2019 motion sensors cannot be installed. The microwave technology allows the sensor to be mounted behind plastic constructions for out-of-sight and concealed installations. The SMM 01 was originally designed for escalator and moving walk auto-start applications (for energy saving mode). However, the sensor line has since been successfully used in many other sensing applications.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>The Doppler radar sensor detects objects that are in motion towards or away from the sensor, with a maximum sensing range of 3 metres. People passing the sensor perpendicular (i.e. with no intention of entering an escalator) will have no or very low speed relative to the sensor \u2013 such motion can remain undetected. The detection field is divided into two parts; \u2018low-speed zone\u2019 and \u2018highspeed zone\u2019. The part of the field closest to the sensor is the low-speed zone where low speed motion is detected. This is intended to detect people in a multi-storey building that are moving from one escalator to the next, making a semi-circular movement\/turn i.e. perpendicular to the sensor and with a relatively low speed. The extension of the low speed zone relative to the high speed zone can be adjusted from 0 \u2013 100% of the total range. The total range is also adjustable. The sensor also includes a background suppression feature which allows the sensor to ignore all constant movements of minor objects (either directly or indirectly detected through reflections) e.g. handrails of an escalator or a moving walk.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>All potentiometers and DIP switches are directly accessible on the front of the sensor, by removing the front cover lid of the unit. The series offers both a High (H) and Low (L) frequency type, which is designed to avoid risk of interference between two SMM 01 units that shall detect the same objects.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>The range is available with a 10-30 V dc or 24 V ac\/dc supply voltage, both with a solid-state relay output. The complete series offers a 5 m fixed cable or 60 cm pigtail with a 4-pin, M12 moulded plug connection for quick-disconnect assembly. The sensor includes LEDs for power and output indication, which are visible through the tinted front lid of the housing. The compact IP67 plastic housing is designed to allow a recessed screw mounting in the back of the unit.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><img src=\"\/storage\/app\/media\/uploaded-files\/01-smm01-escalator.png\" style=\"width: 400px;\" class=\"fr-fic fr-dii fr-fil\" data-result=\"success\"><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>Summary of Features<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>K-Band motion and direction detection<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Max sensing range: 3 metres<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Adjustable sensing field range<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Adjustable slow speed zone<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Selectable background suppression<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Selectable direction sensitive detection<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Adjustable off time delay<\/li>\r\n\t<li>10-30 V dc or 24 V ac\/dc supply voltage<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Power and output indicators<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Solid state relay output<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Output monitor function (Sniffer)<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Compact IP67 housing design<\/li>\r\n\t<li>Especially designed for escalator and moving-walk applications<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\t<br>Contact a Telco specialist for enquiries for the SpaceMotion SMM 01 series\r\n\t<br>Email: <a href=\"\"><\/a>\r\n\t<br>\r\n\t<br>Click on the link below to download the SMM 01 series data sheet.<\/p>","published_at":"2020-06-01 00:15:00","published":1,"meta_title":"","meta_description":"","meta_keywords":"","created_at":"2016-05-06 05:24:45","updated_at":"2021-02-08 18:48:07","content_markdown":null,"impressions":null,"featured_images":[{"id":10879,"disk_name":"5efb549ab6d9a659383898.jpg","file_name":"smm01-series-news-2.jpg","file_size":43770,"content_type":"image\/jpeg","title":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Radar Sensor Series","description":"","field":"featured_images","sort_order":10879,"created_at":"2020-06-30 15:04:58","updated_at":"2020-10-19 14:32:54","path":"https:\/\/\/storage\/app\/uploads\/public\/5ef\/b54\/9ab\/5efb549ab6d9a659383898.jpg","extension":"jpg"}],"media":[{"id":1473,"name":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Data Sheet EN","locale":"en","part":"W-2022.10-V02-EN_EU","version":"4.0","media_category_id":1,"active":1,"created_at":"2019-09-30 16:48:16","updated_at":"2023-05-18 14:28:45","pivot":{"news_id":6,"media_id":1473},"file":{"id":11857,"disk_name":"64663619bdb68629913488.pdf","file_name":"SMM 01_W-2022.10-V02-EN_EU.pdf","file_size":712767,"content_type":"application\/pdf","title":null,"description":null,"field":"file","sort_order":11857,"created_at":"2023-05-18 14:28:41","updated_at":"2023-05-18 14:28:45","path":"https:\/\/\/storage\/app\/uploads\/public\/646\/636\/19b\/64663619bdb68629913488.pdf","extension":"pdf"},"category":{"id":1,"name":"Data Sheet","active":1,"sort_order":1,"created_at":"2016-05-06 04:54:04","updated_at":"2016-05-06 04:54:04"}},{"id":2007,"name":"SpaceMotion SMM 01 Data Sheet DE","locale":"de","part":"W-2023.03-V02-DE","version":"4.0","media_category_id":1,"active":1,"created_at":"2023-07-28 11:07:32","updated_at":"2023-07-28 11:07:32","pivot":{"news_id":6,"media_id":2007}}]}
File Type Type Document Title Part Number Edition
pdf Data Sheet SpaceMotion SMM 01 Data Sheet EN W-2022.10-V02-EN_EU 4.0 Download
pdf Data Sheet SpaceMotion SMM 01 Data Sheet DE W-2023.03-V02-DE 4.0 Download

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